Sunday Morning Worship
Wee Worship & Kids Worship
Nursery provided
9:15 AM & 10:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL
Nursery provided
Evening Worship Service,
New Salem Children's Ministry (every Sunday except the last Sunday of each month)
Nursery provided
6:00 PM: Wednesday Night Meal
7:00 PM: Children ages K thru 6th Grade and Student Ministry (grades 7-12)
7:00 PM: Adult Bible Study
Nursery provided
Pastor Mike Barnes
I was born in Palmetto, Georgia. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in 2001 and answered the call to the Gospel Ministry of Jesus Christ at Royal Baptist Church in Newnan, Georgia in May of 2003. October of that same year I started my first Church in Luthersville, Georgia, Rehoboth Baptist Church. Rehoboth is strong and growing to this day. In February 2010, I came to New Salem as pastor. I am married to the love of my life, Stephanie and we have two sons, Cole and Drew.

New Salem Baptist Church has a very long history. Just 51 years after the Declaration of Independence it was constituted in 1827. Originally called the Church of Christ at Salem, the word Baptist was not in its name, yet its founding documents declared it to be Baptist. In the 187 years since, the Church has congregated in a number of meeting places. The first was on Hardy Lane, just one mile from our new 34 acre campus off of Hwy 92, near Bicycle road. The original church was built on land donated by Bob and Bera Hardy. In 1854, in a time leading up to the Civil War, that building was donated for use as a school. It is not known where the church met during the civil war period, but in 1866, the year after the civil war ended, its members changed the name of the church to The Baptist Church of Christ at New Salem.

We have come to realize here at New Salem that missions play an important role in being the Church that the Lord Jesus expects us to be. By giving to the cooperative program, supporting local ministries and participating in various mission trips the Lord has changed the outlook and face of our Church.